Our Fleet – Training & Rental

At Jeff Air Pilot Services, we strive to provide the best-in-class and most affordable aircraft rental options to suit every pilot’s needs.

Welcome to the ultimate destination for flight training! Here at Jeff Air, we provide top-notch aircraft rental options for aspiring pilots. If you’re interested in taking the next step in your career as a pilot, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.

From takeoff to landing, we have professionals on-site ready to assist you and streamline your travel arrangements. Our aircraft are well-maintained, regularly inspected and ready for YOU to take flight.


We Have a Variety of Aircraft Available 

The Cessna is a reliable and popular aircraft model used by many pilots worldwide. Our instructors have extensive experience in flying Cessnas, and they’re passionate about passing on their knowledge to you.

Our aircraft rental program is designed to be comprehensive and flexible. We understand that every pilot has different needs and schedules, so we offer a variety of options to fit your specific wants and needs.

Our aviation training campus is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, including flight simulators and modern classrooms. At Jeff Air, we know that a well-rounded training experience is essential for becoming a successful pilot, so we also provide ground school classes that cover a range of topics from weather and navigation to aviation regulations and safety procedures.

Our aviation flight school has a team of certified flight instructors who are dedicated to helping you succeed. They will work with you every step of the way, providing personalized guidance and feedback to ensure that you’re progressing towards your goals. We believe that building a strong relationship between student and instructor is crucial for a successful flight training experience.

Flight Simulation 

Jeff Air is proud to offer Flight Simulation at our Anderson location.

Flight simulation is hugely important for learning how to become a pilot as it provides a realistic and immersive training environment, allowing aspiring aviators to hone their skills, practice complex maneuvers, and develop critical decision-making abilities, all while ensuring a safe and controlled learning experience.

Flight Simulation Training Device | Jeff Air Pilot Services

Sampling of Our 19 Aircrafts We Offer


Cessna 172M - N1249U

$182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • New paint and interior.
  • Available for rental and instruction.
Cessna 172- N9421D

Cessna 172- N9421D

$182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • Horse Power: 180
  • 1984 Cessna 172 Cutlass RG II
  • Features: Garmin GTN 650 w/ ADSB in/out (NAV/COM and GPS), KX 155 NAV/COM, GMA 340 Audio Panel, KFC 150 Autopilot, Four place intercom

Cessna 172 - N52569

$182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • Horse Power: 160
  • Fuel Capacity: 5.1 Hours
  • Max Cruising Speed: 126 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Clean: 50 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Landing Configuration: 44 KCAS
  • Best Climb Rate: 645 FPM
  • Service Ceiling: 13,000 ft.

Cessna 172 - N4751G

"Gracie" - $182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • Horse Power: 180
  • Fuel Capacity: 5.1 Hours
  • Max Cruising Speed: 126 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Clean: 50 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Landing Configuration: 44 KCAS
  • Best Climb Rate: 645 FPM
  • Service Ceiling: 13,000 ft.
  • Features a large photography-grade window in the rear for stunning aerial shots

Cessna 172 - N739TR

$182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • Horse Power: 160
  • Fuel Capacity: 5.1 Hours
  • Max Cruising Speed: 126 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Clean: 50 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Landing Configuration: 44 KCAS
  • Best Climb Rate: 645 FPM
  • Service Ceiling: 13,000 ft.
  • Features: GX 50 GPS, Dual KX155 with ILS, KT-76C transponder, KMA24 Audio Mode S Code/ADS-B Base 8, Base 16 /hex A07DAB
  • Avionics Upgrade: PS9000 audio panel with 4 place intercom, GNX 375 GPS, Transponder with ADSB in and out with docking plugs, Dual nav/coms with ILS.

Cessna 172 - N737ZJ

"Mama G" - $182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • Horse Power: 160
  • Fuel Capacity: 5.1 Hours
  • Max Cruising Speed: 126 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Clean: 50 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Landing Configuration: 44 KCAS
  • Best Climb Rate: 645 FPM
  • Service Ceiling: 13,000 ft.
  • Avionics Upgrade: 1. 2 GI 275; GTN 650Xi GPS; GTX 345 ADSB In/Out Transponder; GSB 15 Dual USB.

Cessna 172 - N739NW (TAA)

$182 per hour
No fuel surcharge
  • Horse Power: 160
  • Fuel Capacity: 5.1 Hours
  • Max Cruising Speed: 126 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Clean: 50 KCAS
  • Stall Speed Landing Configuration: 44 KCAS
  • Best Climb Rate: 645 FPM
  • Service Ceiling: 13,000 ft.
  • Avionics Upgrade: Garmin 430W w/ILS, Garmin GNC255A Nav/Com, Garmin GI275 ADI, Garmin GI275 HSI, Garmin GTX 345 xponder with ADS-B in and out, Garmin GFC500 Auto Pilot with GPS steering and altitude hold.
Censa 310

Cessna 310 - N77FA

$365 per flight hour
  • Instructor rate: $75 per hour 
  • Available for rental and instruction.
Piper Archer

Piper Archer - N3334Q (TAA)

$182 per hour
  • Fuel Capacity: 3.8 Hours
  • Max Cruising Speed: 128 KCAS
  • Best Climb Rate: 667 FPM
  • Service Ceiling: 14,100 ft.
  • 75% power best economy 10.5 mph

If you're ready to take the first step towards becoming a pilot, then look no further than our aviation flight school.

Contact us today to learn more about our Cessna flight training program and how we can help you achieve your dreams of flying. Check out our planes available at the Indy South Greenwood Airport and book your rental today!


"Earned my private pilot single engine land at Jeff Air. What an awesome experience to work with the entire staff. Friendly and more than happy to work with whatever schedule you have. Working on IFR with the team there now."
J. Bennington
"Jeff Air helped both of my sons become commercial pilots in less than 18 months. They are professional, and they are really great people...look forward to my third son starting his lessons toward his career."
T. Van Deman
"Friendly staff and instructors, great facility, and conveniently located just south of Indianapolis!"
A. Bowman
"Loved the experience of flying a plane. Staff here is friendly and careful about safety. My husband enjoyed his flight lesson. It was fun and unique experience!"
K. Sankaran